Our Mobile Plugins

Discover all the feature extensions for the CMS Portal Mobile.
Enhance CMS functionalities with precisely the tools you want to offer your visitors.

More content for holidays, space-saving text extensions, or graphical additions?
For your ideas, everything is possible!

Info! Since the website is still under construction, the plugins can only be ordered on the German website.
Please use the Google translation tool at the top right.

A-Z Auflistung Plugin 8,90 €

A-Z Auflistung Plugin

A-Z listing
Your head is overflowing with ideas about what you would like to list on a particular topic. Would you like to rewrite the “Yellow Pages” for your specific subject area?
No problem...
With the A-Z list you can create your own individual subject area, sorted alphabetically and clearly. Write about your favorite music genre, list the top stars and point out the most important life and career dates. Refine the entries with links and images. Then, when all your stars are listed, you might start to explain the general terms of the music genres.
Once you have started, you will notice many other areas where data, link collections or forums will seem useful to you.

The sample lists everything you need to know for a small town. This gives you a sample of what your text, links and information could look like.
Using the options available in the basic CMS, you can create the general terms category in desired locations or, for example, in a pull-down menu.

8,90 €

Abwesenheitsplaner Plugin 8,90 €

Abwesenheitsplaner Plugin

Absence planner
For every organization, private website, radio or other community with more than 3 members working together, an important point, in addition to task planning, is who is available when. Of course, public holidays, vacations and other absence issues must be communicated and recorded in order to ensure reliable online times. And what use is your "grease note" next to the computer if member "X" doesn't know about it???
With the absence planner plugin you can organize a binding, shared time window for all participants and protect yourself from surprises, as absences can be approved (and prohibited) after consultation.

8,90 €

Admin Assistent Plugin 12,90 €

Admin Assistent Plugin

Admin Assistant
In the CMS Portal Mobile, as well as with the numerous plugins, you have a huge pool of setting options, which sometimes pushes individuals to their limits.
Delegate now assistants to whom you can assign clear tasks for real work relief. All functions in all areas can be distributed sensibly and several assistants can be authorized to make changes in just one place. If you wish, you can assign the assistant's home page to the assistant who then finds the corresponding link in his profile.
Assistants can be named from the top three user groups, whereby the system adopts the user group names you customized.
The super admin is outside and cannot be changed, deleted or blocked by anyone.
No rights can be assigned for the Admin Assistant!

12,90 €

Adressbuch Plugin 8,90 €

Adressbuch Plugin

Address Book

The address book is a complete, large-scale management of all your contacts. You can create one or, if desired, multiple address books for yourself and for each of your registered members. You can also allow members to create additional, own address books. You can also automatically create an address book for all moderators, for example. You can allow/prohibit each member from expanding the contact fields to include their own contact fields. You can also allow users to add other users to their address book. Appointments and birthday greetings are pre-entered and sent on the designated day. Each address book can be given a clear name. You create the link to the address book in the NAV bar and/or in the internal box.

8,90 €

Boxen Banner u. Logo Rotation - Plugin 12,90 €

Boxen Banner u. Logo Rotation - Plugin

Banner and logo rotation boxes
With this advertising tool you can offer your own and third-party banners for advertising purposes.
After installing the plugin, sample boxes are already created, which you can deactivate immediately or expand for your own purposes.
With this plugin you earn cash!

12,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Aufklappboxen 13,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Aufklappboxen

Pop-up boxes Plugin
With the pop-up boxes you can expand the information, images and links on your website with space-saving content.
This new menu structure can be created in the side boxes and in the middle area. You are free to decide on which of your individual pages you want it to be activated. It is possible to create multiple pages for each menu box combination. The selection of basic links within a structure is unlimited.
The pop-up boxes are also suitable for affiliate and partner program offers in which you can generate interest with meaningful announcement headlines.
A visually appealing icon selection, custom CSS code and coloring round off the eye-catching menu.

13,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Begruessungsbox 11,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Begruessungsbox

Boxes Plugin - Welcome Box
A box that addresses your registered users by name and greets them with the time of day according to the time you have set. This gives your site a personal touch.
After installation, the box is immediately active and you can now move it to the desired position.

11,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Countdown 13,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Countdown

Boxing Plugin - Countdown
Is there a moment that you are looking forward to with all your senses?
Do you have any particularly nice updates or surprises planned for your users?
Then make it particularly exciting! Allow time remaining until event
count down slowly and with pleasure....

13,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Counter und User 11,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Counter und User

Boxes Plugin Counter and User
This counter is much more meaningful than the counter in the basic CMS, which clearly shows you a lot of information about your users. In addition to the accesses for the individual days of the week, which you can color freely, the number of users "Today", Yesterday", "Online" and "Total" is listed briefly.
Now you can also see WHO was online recently, as well as (behind a link at the foot of the counter) the total number of all your members' names and you can statistically see at a glance whether there are more men or women. The hard-working users are even listed with the time (if they were online “today”), or with days and weeks.
In addition to the traditional indicators (man, woman), there is also a third symbol, which could be declared as "diverse".

11,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Flying Icons 15,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Flying Icons

Boxing Plugin - Flying Icons
With the Flying Icons you can enchant your website into a "snow flurry" on well-known occasions (e.g. at Christmas time) or treat yourself and your visitors to a joke for your cake-bursting birthday. Depending on the desired effect, the graphics are moved across the website from above or below.

15,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Geburtstagsbox 9,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Geburtstagsbox

Box Plugin - Birthday Box
Delight your users with a friendly birthday greeting.
Not being forgotten and being addressed personally on your name day brings a lot of sympathy points.

9,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Header Carousel 14,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Header Carousel

Box Plugin - Header Carousel
The Header Carousel is one of the most effective plugins to use. In addition to the carousel function already available in the mobile, you can now create additional carousel graphic sets and have them called up with different effects.

And because that wasn't enough for us, you can now have your own carousel for each page in your CMS. Do you just want to create one carousel and have it displayed on all pages? It works, just “click” and you’re done!
The carousel can still be provided with free text and colored options.

14,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Popup Fenster 11,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Popup Fenster

Popup Window - Boxes Plugin
With the popup plugin, which you can integrate into any source code of the Ckeditor using prepared built-in code, you can expand your website offering to include a wide range of additional information without taking up much space to waste the announcement. You simply generate a vertical or horizontal button row and display your text as a popup. As you know from us, the buttons are fully customizable in terms of type and frame, as well as font, colors and effect symbol. The buttons always adapt perfectly to the size and font length. Using the built-in editor, text and images are displayed exactly as you wish.

11,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Scrollspy 8,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Scrollspy

Scrollspy - Boxing Plugin

If you create another link/information, you either need space in the header/footer or in one of your side boxes. When you click on this link, a new page usually opens. Sometimes the question “where to go with it” is a good question.
Here is the solution:
With Scrollspy you can create a freely definable window in height (according to your visible text or image sizes) and simply embed similar links "on top" of this window. Now the interested visitor can scroll through this page and read it, or click on the next keyword. By clicking, the page simply scrolls to the next article without having to use the "mouse wheel".

This offers you the advantage of e.g. moderator news, people or star introductions but also something text-intensive like recipes to be able to offer a very space-saving solution.

8,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Shoutbox 13,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Shoutbox

Boxing Plugin - Shoutbox
The Shoutbox is a useful tool for entertaining in short messages on your website and
Post useful information to other users.
The diverse graphical setting options allow you to adapt this box perfectly to your other web design.
You can adjust the shoutbox for the middle area as well as the side area.

13,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Sidenav Buttons 8,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Sidenav Buttons

Sidenav Buttons
The Sidenav Button plugin allows you to display important links to your offers and/or your favorite social networks on the side of the website.
These page links scroll and are always in the eye of your visitors.
Of course, there are no limits to the graphic design.

8,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Soziale Netzwerke 9,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Soziale Netzwerke

Social Networks
is a collection of the most important providers for setting up a link on your website.
Additional services can be added. You can change the sizes and colors of the buttons.

9,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Touch Icon 8,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Touch Icon

Touch Icon
Users of a smartphone or tablet as well as PCs have the option, for example, of storing a website URL as an icon on the device.
This icon is therefore also called the “Touch Icon”.
You can use it just like a normal app icon. But it's not an app that opens, but rather the browser.

8,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Umfrage 13,90 €

Boxen Plugin - Umfrage

Boxing Plugin - Survey
Are you interested in what your users want from you?
Would you like to know what visitors think about the state of the nation or what their hobby is???
Start fun, inquiring, website-related surveys and, if necessary, tailor your content accordingly.

13,90 €

Boxen Plugin Dropdown 8,90 €

Boxen Plugin Dropdown

Box dropdown
You create a new link collection in a new box in the CMS. You can combine these as external links or in combination with internal links. The size of the link tree within a link is limited to 4 levels. The number of links at each level is unlimited.
4 sample links are initially created as a sample.
You decide whether the new box should appear on the left or right side and whether a link should open in a new window, for example.
Some CSS commands are prepared and you can extend them with free CSS code.



8,90 €

Boxen Plugin Hover Images Effekt 8,90 €

Boxen Plugin Hover Images Effekt

Hover Images effect
A small but powerful tool for animating images.

35 powerful ways to draw attention to photos, banners or graphics with animation and a message that is visible when the mouse is over!

With a guaranteed "look effect"

8,90 €

Boxen Plugin Seiten-Tabs 8,90 €

Boxen Plugin Seiten-Tabs

Boxes page tabs
The initially invisible advantage of this plugin is that the website is not reloaded for the created content with every click. You expand your offering to include a wide variety of content and could combine page after page of images, text and finished CMS content pages without hindering loading times.
Especially for websites with a lot of content, you can relieve your menu structure and bundle content in completely new divisions.

8,90 €

Boxen Ticker Plugin 8,90 €

Boxen Ticker Plugin

Boxing Ticker
A universal tool. Set up a ticker, adjust it based on color and text and display it on the desired pages. It is possible to define a border, specify the running direction and the running speed. Of course, the font color, background color and border color can be selected separately.
An individual HTML code is created automatically so that you can install the ticker anywhere.
There is no limit to the number of ticker creation patterns you can create.

A very clear advantage: Because the text is entered in the editor, the design options are increased enormously.
Let pictures tick! Or, for example, an
affiliate code to make money...

8,90 €

Boxen Zeit-Banner Plugin 8,90 €

Boxen Zeit-Banner Plugin

Boxing Plugin - Time Banner
With the time banner plugin you offer everyone an interesting tool on your website for
Linking banners to.
Visitors or, if desired, only registered users advertise on your site with banners or
e.g. B. Partner programs.
You can freely determine the size and time of these banner locations.
This plugin fills (and empties) itself after your preparation.

8,90 €

Chat Portal - Plugin 19,90 €

Chat Portal - Plugin

Chat Portal
A chat is the most honest form in a business and especially in a web radio website to seriously hear the opinions of your visitors and listeners.
Do you have a “broadcast plan” but not everyone supports it?
You want to generate a “cool show”, but you simply lack feedback?

19,90 €

Download File - Plugin 17,90 €

Download File - Plugin

Download File
is a complete management tool for the files you offer, where you can also report downloads for your users.
The possibilities of using this plugin are very versatile.

17,90 €

Event Kalender - Plugin 9,90 €

Event Kalender - Plugin

Event Calendar
is a versatile tool for displaying events of all kinds in calendar or article form.
Of course, events can be accompanied by pictures.
Event Calendar is prepared as a birthday calendar and has a ticker function.

9,90 €

FAQ - Plugin 6,90 €

FAQ - Plugin

is an effective aid for all websites that offer services or goods of any kind and want to offer customers assistance with the products.
Questions that are asked again and again can be clearly listed in advance.
This reduces the burden on support and provides your customers with immediate assistance.

6,90 €

Feiertage Kalender - Plugin 16,90 €

Feiertage Kalender - Plugin

Holidays Calendar
The holiday calendar covers all major holidays. To the most important of our holidays,
Of course the ADVENT CALENDAR applies.
Furthermore, the days for Mother's Day, New Year's Day, Easter and Valentine's Day are prepared so that they can be used immediately.
Of course, other holidays, such as Halloween, can be created in exactly the same way!

16,90 €

Forum - Plugins 19,90 €

Forum - Plugins

A good website with a wide range of offers also includes a meaningful forum. This fundamentally redesigned plugin gives you the right tool to do exactly that. A variety of functions and setting options will become a stimulating "question and answer" tool.

19,90 €

Fotogalerie - Plugin 19,90 €

Fotogalerie - Plugin

With the Photo Gallery you can create an unlimited number of images in categories.
Your users can rate, download and admire images as a slide show.
You can switch various picture options on and off.

19,90 €

Header Seiten Plugin 9,90 €

Header Seiten Plugin

Header pages
You can create an extra header for your radio shows, topic-related special pages or just other special information Simply place clear hints with an additional color gradient (if you use the carrousel).
These additional options are only displayed on the pages you want, but you can activate several of them.

9,90 €

Info Seiten Plugin 8,90 €

Info Seiten Plugin

Info pages
Each category created in the info pages automatically creates an embeddable link that you can insert at a suitable location on your website.
Within the category you can create many information pages according to the topic.
In this way, you create a clear picture of a single topic.

8,90 €

Multi Gaestebuch Plugin 12,90 €

Multi Gaestebuch Plugin

Multi guest book
More like a guestbook, infinite guestbooks.
If necessary, create a guestbook for each of your users. The CMS gives you the opportunity to create various information about your users and, especially in the radio area, your DJs have their own fan group. Of course, they should also be able to contact the DJ directly in the guestbook. The admin can also create unlimited guestbooks for themselves, i.e. the homepage, and assign them to these topics. The admin or, alternatively, the guestbook owner can then decide whether to activate the individual contributions or delete them in the case of legally dubious contributions.

12,90 €

Multi Kontaktformular - Plugin 8,90 €

Multi Kontaktformular - Plugin

Multi contact form
The WEB-PHP CMS Portal Mobile contains a simple but firmly defined contact form,
which is completely sufficient in most use cases of a website.
The Multi Contact Form Plugin allows you to create additional, freely designed contact forms.

8,90 €

News Blog - Plugin 12,90 €

News Blog - Plugin

News Blog
This allows you to create clearly sorted short messages.
These can indicate current news or simply describe important changes to your website.
Your visitors can comment on the news.

12,90 €

Private Nachrichten - Plugin 7,90 €

Private Nachrichten - Plugin

With the Private Messages Plugin you or your members and DJs send short messages directly via the CMS to coordinate or simply exchange ideas . The members contacted can optionally be notified by email.
It is possible to attach an image or a ZIP file.
Logged in users can receive a POPUP for a new PM message (which can also be switched off).

7,90 €

Radio Chartlisten - Plugin 14,90 €

Radio Chartlisten - Plugin

Radio Chartlists - Plugin

This chart list plugin for the CMS Portal Mobile allows the admin to create several chart lists in his personal music genre.
The chart list can now be filled with titles according to your own taste. If the title and artist are described as accurately as possible, the cover will be fetched directly from Apple Music and integrated.

Users with GEMA-free music or their own music can of course upload their own cover.

14,90 €

Radio Icecast Stream - Plugin 17,90 €

Radio Icecast Stream - Plugin

Radio Icecast Stream
The Radio Icecast Stream is the fundamentally required function to offer your Icecast Stream to visitors in the CMS Portal Mobile. Players of different sizes can be changed and adjusted later and are perfect for installation in the footer, middle area or in several of the side boxes.

17,90 €

Radio Multi Sendeplan - Plugin 16,90 €

Radio Multi Sendeplan - Plugin

Radio Multi Broadcast Schedule Plugin
Since you can now install as many players as you like in the WEB-PHP CMS Portal Mobile,
We also have a real MULTI broadcast schedule on offer.
Organize your DJs and plan a real radio dynasty, with many different programs running in parallel.
Only have one stream? It doesn't matter - it can still change.

16,90 €

Radio Shoutcast Stream - Plugin 17,90 €

Radio Shoutcast Stream - Plugin

The Radio Shoutcast Stream - Plugin offers the option of having one or more shoutcast players on your website
to be included in vacant positions. It is possible to build your own players.
You can duplicate and customize the existing players.
This article is the MAIN ARTICLE to be able to integrate stream players from your stream provider in the CMS.

17,90 €

Radio Teamliste - Plugin 18,90 €

Radio Teamliste  - Plugin

Radio Team List - Plugin
The radio team list plugin sorts all your users into the groups you want, e.g. “just users”, sponsors, admins, moderators and if you like “fired users”.
You can add text to each team list in the header of the page and embellish it with images.
Using the sorting function, users are sorted as desired.

18,90 €

Radio Web - App - Plugin 19,90 €

Radio Web - App - Plugin

Radio Web - App
Do you always have your songs with you? To listen to your friends, work colleagues or in a queue?
Not? - Because accessing your website on your mobile phone loads far too much information?
The perfect solution is the Radio Web App.
Start your stream quickly and anywhere with no hassle. If necessary, design an attractive, mobile-optimized page and fill the menu with selected, already set-up plugins. You can immediately access the team list, wish box, news and much more via the menu. Advertise your teams' upcoming broadcasts right away.
Depending on the line and smartphone, there is always a small difference in when the stream starts. stops.
You can start and listen to our demo stream immediately using the QR code in the product image. Unlike in the web view, the stream remains audible even if you access other links via the menu.

19,90 €

Radio Wunschbox - Plugin 14,90 €

Radio Wunschbox - Plugin

The Radio Wish Box is a must for most radio webmasters,
Because with it you invite your listeners to actively participate in the program.
The wishes sent shape the program flow productively and also leave greetings
to other listeners/DJs.

14,90 €

Seo Link htaccess Plugin 7,90 €

Seo Link htaccess Plugin

Seo Link htaccess
This plugin covers all important functions to personally change server adjustments and error pages (which are always specified by the browser). You can especially change the unsightly link entries after you have accessed a page.
https://reuther.berlin/index.php?seite=reseller_shop then becomes https://reuther.berlin/reseller-shop
You can also manage the frequently required entries in the well-known “robots.txt” file with this plugin. The hassle of “searching for code” in search engines and manually entering it on the server is a thing of the past.

7,90 €

Sitemap - Plugin 7,90 €

Sitemap - Plugin

With the Sitemap -Plugin you can create the most important (at least for master Google) content of your website. All links and topics you want to find in relevant search queries,
are clearly listed here.
Without meaningful content, your website is just like an unlabeled roll of toilet paper...

7,90 €

Star Rating Webseite - Plugin 13,90 €

Star Rating Webseite - Plugin

Star Rating Website
is a rating system from visitors and your customers directly for your website.
1-5 stars can be awarded, as well as a comment function.

13,90 €

Style-Rotation Plugin 16,90 €

Style-Rotation Plugin

Style rotation plugin

Set a different one than yours for certain holidays, events or company celebrations
A standard template for your visitors.

You can rely on the fact that you don't have to put something back the next day with a "big head".
Just go back to sleep...

16,90 €

To-Do-Listen - Plugin 9,90 €

To-Do-Listen - Plugin

To-Do Lists - Plugin
Would you like to remind one or all of your members about important tasks?
Should members also be able to notify themselves of upcoming work, hiring or important events because they are sometimes a bit “forgetful”?
If possible with an unmissable popup?
As an admin, do you also want to be able to check that the tasks are completed, i.e. checked off?

9,90 €

Videoportal - Plugin 18,90 €

Videoportal - Plugin

Video portal

With this Piugin you can create a wide variety of subject areas and categories to present videos to your visitors.
This tool is suitable for help portals, fan pages, YouTube (or other providers) film collections and fun portals.

18,90 €

WEB-PHP NOTE: You can NEVER give away personally purchased plugins! The license is personal and non-transferable! In this case, please exclusively use our VOUCHERS and gift them instead!